
Pitch Wars - Adult Fantasy Mentee Hopeful

*deep breath*

*second deep breath*


I always get that wrong. *cough*

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm going to talk about myself. Which is weird. I don't actually do that often. Despite this being a blog. That I write.

Whew! Let's hope the awkwardness is gone now!


1. I write.

2. No, kidding. Ignore one. I DO write. My ideas shove their way into my brain and I have a dozen files with ideas I cannot work on at any given time. My Pitch Wars entry came to me in the shower when I was contemplating an exceptional book written by someone else. Paladin of Souls by Lois McMasters Bujold. Have you read it? Because you are my kind of people if you did.

3. My ALL TIME FAVORITE series is The Ivory Trilogy by Doris Egan. I reread those books twice a year. Have you read them? (You have? OMG! I <3 you!) I have bought several used copies over the years as they are not available electronically yet. :( Oh, and, yes, they even trump the Discworld books and I total character crush on Vimes always.

4. I am a total pantser. Which means when I finish a draft I KNOW there is stuff in there I don't need or should add. New drafts and editing are crucial to my process. Some scenes I cut and save in case I need them. Others I love so much and they serve no purpose at all so I delete them lest temptation urge me to find room for them. Those scenes aren't many, but they have existed.

5. I'm not visual when I write. I do turn the music up. Each ms has a soundtrack. Sometimes the MC has their own soundtrack if I am doing a single POV story. Here is the theme song to my Pitch Wars entry: Anna Nalick's Shine. It is so the theme for this novel I can't even listen to it when working on something else.

6. I love tv & movies as much as I love books. The DC TVverse is almost entirely a must watch despite being a Marvel girl. I mourn Person of Interest, Justified, Constantine, Selfie, Firefly, Almost Human, and others. I stand by my belief that Highlander is the best film ever. It won the Academy Award for Best Movie Ever Made and everything!

7. I love Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules. Although, I lapse from them frequently in first and even second drafts. Other than my Holy Grail. Leave out the bits people skip. If I reread what I wrote the day before and am all, "Meh, who writes this crap?" then I snip it.

Because I know other people are visual, here is a reward for braving this list:

Raise your hand if you'd rather see THIS Conan again in a movie.

Raise your other hand if you think THIS is still one of the hottest women in tv and movies.

Bonus Fact:

I wrote 7 novels before I let anyone see anything I'd written. My Pitch Wars entry is number 9. I've written three since then of varying degrees of goodness. :) I don't mind if no one ever reads some of what I wrote. Just writing them has helped me improve.




Person of Interest Finale



So, seriously, don't read my thoughts on the finale if you have not watched and are worried about spoilers. We good? Carry on!

I loved the less than linear bits and seeing The Machine's exploration of moments in time. Yes, knew who the kid was before they said. Husband and I both thought the actor did an amazing job without doing anything but stand quietly. He instantly reminded us of Reese.

I find it hilarious that the NYPD never figured him out until they were tipped off by Samaritan. Mostly, I loved that bit because I adore any chance to see Fusco interact with other members of the team. His whole arc is one of the best ones I've seen on tv. When they finally brought him into the fold I was so amazingly happy. He would have been an easy character to kill and I am glad they did not do the easy thing. Because, he deserved a happy ending. I like that he is back on the job and you know he's going to be a good cop.

So much love for Reese and Finch and both their goodbyes. I've been rooting for a Reese death from the beginning because that is how they wrote him. Despite there never having been a hint of him talking to The Machine about saving Finch I totally bought the two hatched up a plan to save him. The Machine loves Finch and Reese loves Finch and they both believe the world needs him.

I've said before, a good death is as nice as a hea for a beloved character. Thanks to the writers and producers for giving him that good death. Yea, I sobbed like a baby multiple times in the show and that was one of them. And how great was Amy Acker as The Machine? Her standing behind Reese at the end? A great image.

Shaw killing Blackwell! I squealed. A great gift to a character who deserved to do what she wanted. Her telling him the people who were better than her were dead and then shooting him? Loved it. Especially since we know she knew Fusco was alive. But, I believe he'd have no problem with her shooting the guy who tried to kill him. Who was a bad guy. Who he would have to decide what to do with like the agent he left in the trunk.

Shaw and Bear, walking off into the sunset, made me smile. Because she was always in it for the dog. The phone ringing was perfect. I don't need another series because my head canon has Shaw and Bear helping more numbers. Along with the other teams. Ok, I'd love a spin off with the team we met in D.C. But I can happily write stories for them in my head.

Finch and Grace. THANK YOU! Thank you for NOT taking the route of no happy endings. There's such a thing in pop culture now where a show is considered less for giving characters happy endings. Finch and Grace together is what I wanted to see.

I am glad they did not kill everyone. It makes the death diminished if everyone joins in on the game. Reese's death had the full impact. Root's death before, was the same. Carter's death, Elias' death, all of them MEANT something you don't get in a bloodbath.

In conclusion, I have placed the POI series finale at the top of my list. Right along with Justified. They share spot one. The Shield is number two. Not that I thought it any less, but I was so emotionally exhausted by the end of the series I just...I can't! :D Still a great ending.




In Shocking News...

Yesterday I was contemplating what to work on and for some reason I pulled up a recent project I'd tossed into the archives to languish until I knew what to do. Yes, I am speaking about Widowed Witch of the West.

The first draft is done! 91k words of garbled mess, but done! I won't be looking at it for awhile. In fact, I may not look at it again until I find fresh eyes to give me an opinion. Because I ​think​ I know what is wrong, but I'd like to see someone else's opinion. So, interested in beta reading a mess? Because I'll happily brace myself for scorn and ridicule. ;) So long as it is helpful.

Finished, even with the series finale of Person of Interest *sniffle* and time to level my secondary character to 30 in The Division. Will be posting up some thoughts on the POI finale later today. It will be spoilery.

To close out, here's one of the final scenes in WWotW. Aoife cannot catch a break, but she does catch the hot marshal. :)

“The crown.”

“Is of no concern to us. Your kind have always bickered. We will stand not in your path, but neither will we assist.”

“And if I become the monster I believe myself to be?”

“You will be dealt with.”

“You would- would make him do such a thing?” It would break him.

“Indeed, witch queen.” Sarcasm it could manage. “A compelling reason to hold your more bloodthirsty desires in check.”

“I don’t need a hostage to my impulses.”

“Don’t you?”



A New Project

What? A real one? Not some nebulous thing I may or may not be contemplating?


I wrote a short story recently as a means to see if I wanted to write a character's story. I won't be posting the story as there's stuff in there I want to use in the novel. At a later date I might post the story. For now, I am keeping it close. I have sent it to a couple people for feedback on the character and it has been mostly positive. Which is great as she's not entirely likeable all the time.

What's the story about, you ask? Did you? Ask, I mean. Well, right now I am only willing to say a powerful woman does good deeds that do not go unpunished. Also, there's supernatural creatures. Several. Of different flavors.

I am in the process of creating a playlist for this new project. So, yes, it is serious.



She is a right pain.

The hero of my current wip is to whom I refer. Aoife Mccrae has dodged and pushed and forced me to do some massive rethinking every step of the way in this story. A few of those dodges I'm not going to mention because they're, hopefully, surprising plot points! Or, at least entertaining ones.

Now, all of my heroes toss me about some. I don't mind. This time, it's made this ms SO SO SO hard to finish. I've been trying to type The End on the first draft for almost a year. For me, that is a very long time. First drafts usually take me 6-8 months.

I think I worked so hard on The Mad Baron's Doomed Daughter there was too much of it left in me when I started Widowed Witch of the West. Aoife's been fighting some of my decisions and she's totally correct. Only, now when I do get to type The End it's way more of a beginning than normal. I do a lot of editing and adjusting as I go so my first draft is pretty close to a final one. Other than finding all of those pesky grammar errors I can't purge myself of no matter what.

This time, I'm going to have to take what I know from the end and be sure it threads all the way back to page one.  I've done this some already when I had the lightning strike of character motivation two months ago. I've redone my playlist for this book and have gone with a strictly Aoife-based one instead of a story one. It's really helped me get my head where it should be for her.

Also, this has gotten a tad bit darker. Like, umm, death under cow corpses darker. Well, cow corpse. Only one. The next version might be darker still.

Still only the one cow corpse.



Promises to myself.

I keep saying I will finish Widowed Witch of the West and I keep putting it off. It's not that I don't love the characters, but the story feels a bit meandering. Editing this is NOT going to be fun. Not that I can work on that until I finish the first draft.

So, I hereby declare I WILL finish the first draft by the end of the week. Barring something catastrophic like aliens or comets or mole people. The usual stuff.

If I do that then I can write sci fi. Yay! I want to write sci fi NOW. I've got a story in mind already. Maybe two. Definitely one. So, if I can stick to my schedule YOU get a brand new short story to read in a couple of weeks.

Back to work! The stars, and aliens, and limb loss awaits!



Satan's Stallions - Short Story

So...I have been known to quietly point out things I find ridiculous to friends. Over emails and texts and private messages because some of the things I find ridiculous others don't so why risk upsetting people? I mean, there are topics I will happily say, "Fuck you if you're upset" about, but they are serious topics. Fuck you, politicians who think you can control my body, for example.

I was talking to a dear, amazing, awesome, inspiring friend the other day. Who is, btw, an amazing writer and you should check out his MG book The Fog Diver. Sequel to arrive next month. So, now's a great time to read the first!

Back to the story. We were discussing the mixing of tropes in genre fiction and he made a ridiculous comment that I instantly loved. Three thousand words later and I am ready to share.

All thanks to the beloved husband for the name. And many, many, many thanks to Joel for being a great friend.



Dirk glared at the vehicle in front of him as he brushed blonde locks from his eyes. Why the fuck did these people drive so slow? His knees tightened and he nudged the horsepower higher. As he overtook the vehicle in front of him the rest of the Stallions followed. Once more he brushed blonde hair from his eyes. He was going to have words with Sasha. He'd done the braids too loose.

From the car he heard, "Look, mommy! A unicorn!"

An adult voice, nervous and high pitched, said, "Don't look, Jane."

It was hard to tell, but he would have sworn he heard the doors lock.

Fuck yea, they better lock the doors. Satan's Stallions were back in town. The boys and their mounts would need to wash a lot of road dust from their mouths tonight. They were here for the football game tomorrow, but tonight was open to a hunt. Lots of maidens in town.

The clubhouse was on the northern edge of town and no one slowed down as they galloped through the dusty streets. By now the residents knew better than to mess with Satan’s Stallions and the out-of-towners would learn quickly. Already Dirk say a large number of people fielding the blue and white of the visiting team. Rough plans began to form in his head and his wild grin alarmed more than one person who caught sight of it.



“I know, Dirk. I know. Sorry. I’ll be sure Sabina’s mane is perfect for tomorrow. Sorry. Those damned semis wouldn’t ease up on us.”

Dirk slapped his fellow club member on the back. Sasha was a good man who knew better than to let this happen again. Not after what happened to Lou, the last man who had the job of dresser. Lou, the poor bastard. He still lurked in town, watched them ride by, and only glared at Dirk’s back. Because he knew better.

A heavy tread warned Dirk of Ollie’s arrival. The man weighed less than 150, but had the walk of a man three times his size. He also rode the second biggest mount in the club.

“Pick said the new sheriff had been snooping around,” Ollie warned. Pick was the stablemaster and was too old to ride any longer. Dirk valued him more than the rest of the club.

“Well, fuck. What’s the new sheriff want?” A bribe, most likely. They all did. A few dollars and they ignored the club so long as the Stallions kept the local mayhem to a minimum. Which Dirk was happy to do. No sense shitting where you eat, his dad has always said.

“Dunno. Said she’d be back today to talk to you.”

Dirk swore, exhaustively, and left Sabina to Sasha. Slow steps took him inside the clubhouse and he retreated to his office to see how much cash they had on hand. Enough, he decided, to handle the sheriff. She’d not ask for more than ten or so thousand. They never asked for a lot. Not at first.

A few beers later, there was a knock and he didn’t bother standing as Pick popped his head in to say the sheriff was here. Knowing how shy some local law was to deal with the club Dirk had her brought to him. Besides, he liked to size a new person up on his territory. One hand reached into the cooler by his stained desk to draw out another beer. By the time the new sheriff arrived it was half gone.

Holy fucks. Dirk forced himself to stay relaxed and took another swig from his bottle. This woman was nothing like the last sheriff, a battleax of a woman who’d held her own against three club members one drunken night. The door closed, but Dirk didn’t notice. He was too busy letting his green eyes rake over the body of the newest sheriff. Her blonde hair was cut short and framed her face in loose waves while her brown eyes took in him and the room with only faint interest. Which was fine. Dirk didn’t need to fend off another woman. Not after El Paso.

The brown uniform she wore somehow fit her. Unlike most law enforcement who looked like sacks of shit in their clothes. Dirk enjoyed the swell of her breasts and the curve of her hips as she stood still and suffered his gaze. He knew she was annoyed because there was a smirk on her face when he looked at it again. A smirk that only made her full red lips more kissable looking. Fuck. He should hustle her out quickly.

“Sheriff.” He nodded after his greeting.

“Ted Jones.”

“Name’s Dirk.” No one called him Ted. Ever. Ted Jones hadn’t been around since college. Dirk tried to hide his name as well as his engineering degree. Hardly respectable.

“Mr. Jones.” The smirk was back and Dirk wanted to kiss her until it vanished. There were a lot of things that could vanish. Her uniform, for example, would look better off her. Fuck.

“Look, just tell me how much you want and we’ll get it settled. Same as we had with Sheriff Kazan.”

The new sheriff grinned. “My aunt ran things differently than me. I’m here to put you on notice.” All thoughts of the new sheriff naked vanished. “I don’t like you in my county, let alone in the town where I live. You may as well pack your things now, Mr. Jones. Because you’ll be out of here before my first term is up.”

Dirk’s boots hit the floor with a thud and he stood. All six foot five inches looked down at the sheriff. Although, he noted, not that far down. She was close to six feet herself. Must run in the family. Most people, even those openly wearing a gun on their hip, backed down when he glared. The sheriff, had she given her name? Well, she stared right back. It was a challenge and he wouldn’t back down.

Also, it only made him want to fuck her more and he had to get that under control.

“Be seeing you around, Mr. Jones.” Dirk had no reply. Even though her back was to him as she left he knew she smirked. Damn her.

Slowly, and three times, he counted to a hundred in his head. Only when he was sure he wouldn’t be embarrassing himself did Dirk leave his office. Some time spent with Sabina would fix him up. He headed for the stables, but Sabina wasn’t in his stall. Great. Could the day get any worse? Rather than look for him, Dirk returned to his office and the cold beers in the cooler. Fuck everything, man.


A fight was brewing. Dirk felt it in his bones as sure as he felt the six beers he’d consumed since arriving at the bar several hours ago. Sabina had shown up, eventually, and he’d headed to The Bad Penny with the rest of the club. It wasn’t their bar, but the owner was a friend. Which meant, for one thing, they could run a tab and settle up days later. Always best to not carry a lot of cash when on a drunk and disorderly.

The sheriff’s words picked at the edges of his mind, but Dirk was intent on drowning them in hops tonight. Because, fuck her, that’s why. How dare she come in and give notice like she did? Who the hell did she think she is around here? And then Sabina. His steed had been prissy tonight. Prancing out of reach and eyeing him down the length of his equine nose. Dirk had hidden the scratch on his palm left by Sabina’s horn. No one needed to know the unicorn was annoyed with him. It might give someone ideas.

Dirk snorted and banged an empty bottle on the scarred bar. Sandy lifted her head from flirting with one of the new club members and nodded her head. A few minutes later she dropped off a fresh bottle and told him, “Compliments of the lady in the corner.”

Well, that was nice. Things were looking up. All he needed to do was flirt with another woman and the damned sheriff would disappear from his head. So, he stood slowly and sauntered to the corner. No sense asking which. A Stallion always knew where the maiden waited.

In the dim light he thought he recognized her, but too many beers and not enough wattage made it impossible to tell. Dirk sat down in the booth she occupied alone and slid around to be right beside her. The women loved being close. A shame so few realized that was as close as they’d be allowed to get to him or any other Stallion.

“Took you long enough.” Her voice was husky, warm from whatever she was drinking, and like the rest of her, demanded attention. So, Dirk resolved to give it to her. Again, he thought he knew her, but couldn’t be sure. She wore a tight red tank top over a black leather skirt that covered very little when she sat. He took his time looking her over, enjoyed the length of bare leg he could make out until it disappeared under the table. “Eyes up here,” she said with a laugh.

Dirk had no problem lifting his eyes from her legs. Not with the peek of skin on her stomach where skirt and top didn’t meet. He thought he saw a tattoo, but couldn’t be sure.

“Keep going.” She teased him and for the first time he understood what had happened to Lou. Despite the seven beers he’d drank his body was ready for something else. Fingers cupped his chin and Dirk let her lift his head. Under her top, he was sure, she wore nothing, and his palms itched to find out. When she released him he stared at full, ruby lips. Lips he was sure he knew.

“No more touching.” Only, it wasn’t a rough command like he’d give to any other woman who dared touch the leader of the Satan’s Stallions. Dirk was appalled to think he heard a question mark at the end. Fuck, he should get up and leave. Right now. Go find Sabina and ride the highway until his head was clear.

And he was going to. Truly. Then her hand dropped down into his lap and she cupped him through is jeans. Outside, Sabina screamed and Dirk barely heard. His hooves were trashing on the pavement and Dirk had only a moment to spare for the unicorn’s comfort.

“All the touching you want,” those tempting lips whispered in his ear. “Isn’t it about time?”

No. It wasn’t as if he’d never been tempted. Every time Dirk had managed a no. Usually with some choice words around it. This time the word dried up on his tongue and he couldn’t pull it from his throat. She was still touching him, palm caressing the hard ridge she’d created between his legs. He would say no. In a minute.

Distantly, he was aware of a bottle smashing against a table. Ah, the fight he’d been sure would happen. There was something he could join in. A few thrown punches and he would be good as new. Only, her hand squeezed and his head fell back as he moaned. All at once he had thoughts and visions in his head he’d never had before. Like, how with her skirt so short he could easily haul her into his lap and take her. No one was likely to notice if the fight was truly going. What would it be like?

“Touch me.”

Dirk’s lips turned up into a smirk. Who was she to command the leader of Satan’s Stallions? Who did she think she was anyway? He brushed her hand from his body and turned to give her an earful.

“Not here.”

That was not what he’d meant to say.


Her hand touched him again, but this time it was to take him by the arm. She hauled him from the booth and out the back door. Dirk didn’t resist.

“I know a place.”

Dirk only nodded. Once more he was almost aware of Sabina’s anger, but he brushed it aside as he climbed into a truck he supposed belonged to the hot blonde. They left the bar behind and he slid closer to the blonde driving the truck.

“What’s your name?”


Dirk wound a lock of short blonde hair around his finger and stared at it. In the moonlight it looked almost silver and he leaned in closer to breathe in the scent of it. She smelled like no perfume or shampoo he’d ever known. One of her hands left the steering wheel and took his other hand to bring it down and rest on her thigh. High up on her thigh. Dirk breathed in her scent as he stroked his fingertips over her smooth skin. Fuck. This wasn’t a good idea, but he couldn’t remember why. Not now. Not with her so close and…and soft.

“A few minutes more.” Damiana glanced at him and her brown eyes promised something. He wasn’t quite sure what, but was onboard. She said something else, but he couldn’t make out the words because there was so much soft, welcoming skin to explore and she didn’t seem to mind at all.

Dimly, he was aware they pulled off the highway. A few miles, maybe, before they pulled off the dirt road into a large pasture. Damiana turned off the truck and twisted to face him. As he watched, she pulled off her top and tossed it behind him.

“I can’t do this.” Finally, reason restored! Dirk pulled away from her as if even the near vicinity of her body would ruin him.

“No?” Damiana asked. The truck door opened she slid out. The moonlight, had the moon been full before, caressed her.

Dirk swore. Because no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t look away. Not as her hands slid down her body to undo her skirt. Helpless to look away, he watched her remove what little she wore until she stood naked in the night air.

“Are you sure?”

He wasn’t. Dirk didn’t last another minute and he stumbled from the cab of the truck to reach for her. Damiana laughed as he lunged for her and he let her draw him down into the grass.


The sun on his bare ass woke Dirk up the next morning. His head throbbed which was odd as he’d only had a few beers. Not only his head. It was like his entire body thrummed with something unremembered.

Until he remembered.

Dirk began to shake and he clutched at the ground as if he might be thrown off into the sky were he to let go. The night came back to him and he wanted to scream, but he was too dry to do anything.

“Here. I always keep a few bottles of water in the truck.”

“You bitch.” Well, he managed those words.

“Now, now, Ted. I assure you, last night was an excellent time.”

Dirk, not Ted, sat up and stared at the sheriff. The parts of him still remembering last night took heed of the fact she was as naked as him as she held out the bottle of water. Without a word, he snatched it from her hand and drained it in several long gulps.

“This doesn’t change anything.”

“Keep telling yourself that, Ted. We both know it changes everything.” She looked too smug, too satisfied, and he wanted to punch her, but didn’t. Because she was right and it was all over.

Ted deflated and his head dropped into his hands. Sobs escaped, his fingers unable to hold them in, and he screamed mournfully as the weight of the morning’s truth settled atop him. Sabina was gone. The Stallions would already have removed him as president of the club. His life was over.

“Don’t be melodramatic, Ted.” Damiana knelt down in front of him and pulled his hands from his face. “It’s not all over. Fuck, I’d think you’d be happy. No more enforced celibacy. And for what? To ride some pansy unicorn?”

“Don’t you fucking dare.”

The rest of the words died as a screech from the sky set his hair on edge. Ted didn’t look up, but he heard heavy wings and then the sound of something large landing nearby. Damiana didn’t even glance away so she must have expected it.

“There’s so much more in life than being some badass virgin, Ted.” Her hands settled on his thighs as she leaned into him. “Like me.” She kissed him and Ted didn’t move. Not until her entire body wiggled closer and bore him down to the ground. “And I did warn you. I told you I was going to bring you down.”

Not that he was down now. Which she was quite aware of since she straddled him. Ted didn’t bother pointing it out because he was distracted by the warm scent of her. Not to mention the way her body was, fuck, was this what he’d been missing the last twenty-five years?

“Besides,” she whispered against his lips, “Who would want to ride some punk unicorn when they could fly on a griffon?” That must have been what landed nearby. “Only, later, Ted. When I’m done with you.”

He had no objections, but found himself too busy enjoying the now to anticipate the future. Even if the future involved flying. Fuck the Stallions. They had no idea what they were missing.




My Type of Guy

I read a fair amount, not as much as I want to, and I write...not as much as I should. ;) I also play video games. Oh, and I have been married for 14 years. Shocking! All of these things have one particular thing in common.

I gravitate towards the good guys. I have no intentions of going Rogue in Division. If I have a choice between two options in a game I always go with the one I find morally acceptable. Even though it is "just a game."

The types of characters who often wind up sidekicks are my favorite. You know, the character in the book who stands by his/her best friend and has a funny line and encouraging word always? SWOON. And, yea, I totally root for them to get the guy/girl even though I know it won't happen. Because, they are almost always the good guy. The nice guy. The dependable guy. Oh, and sometimes the dead one depending on the type of book. A GOOD death is as satisfying for me as a hea for my favorite character. Please note: A GOOD DEATH. Do not get me started on Wash. Hated how he died. In my head canon he does not die at that point.

So, the anti-hero trend....the dark brooding alpha male...these do nothing for me. Criminals? Nah. Nice guys* next door make my heart flutter. Which is why, I admit, the last two times I've watched Star Wars I've ignored the parts between when Poe is gone and he returns. Lovable X-Wing fighter than he is and always shall be!

Which is my the heroes in my stories almost always have that one thing in common. They are the good guys. Because, well, good guys make me hot. And, the way the world is somedays, a lot of days, it's nice to be able to write about people who do the right thing and get rewarded for it. Escapism? Hell, yea. What's wrong with that?

So, there you go! Fair warning. No brooding love interests here. And, yes, adorable husband IS one of the nicest people I've ever known. Considering the pure chance of our meeting I count myself lucky every day. :) 

*Guy does not necessarily refer to a male. I never limit my options on hotness! :D



At that point...

The point where I realize I need to move on and get back to work. As I've mentioned, we had a family thing. My father in law died this month. It was a relatively quick thing, but it resulted in my mother in law being laid off as she had to be home to care for him these last couple months. Between helping her out, deciding how much and when to tell the kids about their grandfather, and helping Shawn stay on course so his work (the job that pays all the bills) doesn't suffer I've gotten behind on everything. Which, fine. I'm always going to put my family first even if I lose a month and a half of work. In the end, I'm going to believe my priorities were correct.

We're slowing normalizing with things the way they are now.

So, it's time to quit playing quite so much of The Division and other video games and get back to work. Want to know how I know it is time? Because half the time we play now I am busy writing backstory and adventures for npcs. Clearly, my brain desires more work. Who am I to argue with my brain when it finally engages?

This all, of course, led to my spending the morning sorting out this annoying bug on the computer. But, it seems to be as sorted as it can be and my music plays again so I am calling it a win and moving on.

Now to finish sorting out Aoife's motivation and wrap up her story.





Blog posts come more frequently when I am not feeling like doing what I should be doing.

For shame!

Now that I've worked the kinks out of WWotW I am itching to get to the end and write. Because, the ending I see so clearly now is:

A. Hot.

B. Bloody.

C. Life altering for all involved. Especially those who have none when I am done. ;)

D. Magically Epic.

Except, no one else will SEE the ending if I don't fix the plot first. Darnnit! I tinkered today, but mostly made notes to use for tomorrow. Except! Tomorrow is my birthday! So, the odds of my being good and working are slim. So, FRIDAY! I have a list of scenes to make changes to and will get those done. If I get to work I can have the basic changes done by the end of the month and finish the first draft. Too exciting!



The Problem With Music Based Inspirations


So, I have a very aural muse. She throws ideas at me with each new song. Worse, she waits until I am nearly done with a project and listening to a song for the millionth time to rear her damned head.

Which she did.


Which is why forward momentum on Widowed Witch of the West is on hold as a new project. Undone as it is, now it is squarely a go back and fix project. An editing project.

Mostly, it is me, screaming at that damned muse because she could not have told me this before now??? The muse in question only smiles, by the way, an unrepentant musical sinner. I still love her and want to lay words at her feet in adoration. Just...maybe not today.

A very wise friend has always said not to edit until a project is done, but in this case I can't take that advice. Because the ending wasn't coming to me anyway. I was stuck with about 10k words to go. I knew what had to happen to get to the ending. Final boss battle, get ready, FIGHT! The boss battle in question refused to materialize. I wrote a little, tinkered with other scenes, anything to keep from diving in to finish the story.

Now I know why. Aoife's motivations through the whole book are wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. What I thought she was doing was not what she needed to do. The ending that wouldn't come stayed away because I was telling the wrong tale.


It could be worse. I could have anything other than a self-imposed deadline. Said deadline being the end of summer. Although, truthfully, I should shoot for later. Too much going on, but suffice it to say I'm dealing with shit while helping others deal with their own shit and sometimes it is so overwhelming I just want to spend the night playing Destiny with the beloved. Some people drink their problems to silence. I shoot mine with magic powers and guns. :)

TLDR: Back to the drawing board in a way. I don't mind. Knowing the story is going to be stronger is encouragement enough. Now if my muse will shut up and let me get this done before suggesting other changes.

In the meantime, here's the unrevised opening scene.


Aoife was in the bath, scrubbing the blood off her arms, when she heard someone call her name. The maid seated nearby, busy reading the latest dime novel, looked up questioningly. Aoife nodded and exhaled loudly. She’d recognized Mrs. Nardovino’s voice so she was either in trouble or about to be handed another assignment. Either way, her leisurely bath was over. A last careful scrub of her fingers was going on as Mrs. Nardovino came into the room.

“Dear, I called you. Did you not hear?” Mrs. Nardovino had never lost her Italian accent despite living in New York for the last five decades. In a way, Aoife was heartened. Despite the headaches her own accent caused she liked the link to her homeland. Even if she couldn’t see herself going back to live there.

“I was finishing up. The sluaghs went into labor. It was messy. Please, say I do not have to midwife sluaghs again. If that is why you are here I implore you to bother someone else.” Aoife hated working with them, but she was the only Irish witch in residence and, apparently, that meant she had to do it.

The maid brought a heated towel and Aoife stood to wrap it around herself. She would leave, she swore, if there was more midwifery waiting for her.

“No, dear. Please, perhaps this would be better in my office. I will make tea. You can join me once you’re dressed.”

Mrs. Nardovino was embarrassed by nudity. Aoife was not and would use it to her advantage. Although, not often with the headmistress. She’d been too kind to Aoife in her time here. The maid helped her dress and when wet hair proved too heavy to pin up, Aoife simply had a green ribbon tied around the straight black locks.




Life Sometimes Kicks Your Rear

Sometimes things hit you and you're all, "I can deal." Then four more shoes drop and you realize a celestial spider is raining footwear on your parade. Damn that spider!

I've had several family emergencies hit lately and it's sapped my will to do much of anything. Still, the kids need clean clothes, as do I, and everyone including the dogs insist on being fed. So, I move a little more slowly with household chores. I do get them done. Eventually.

Now, to be fair, most of the stress has fallen on my husband. He is a rock and will endure and still be the freaking adorable smart ass I married, but...well, that's the main source of my stress. Worrying over him. It's always been that way. I may stress over outside situations, but nothing compares to worrying over him or the kids. Well, the dogs sometimes top them all, but if you've met my dogs you understand why. My dogs are adorable! ;)

The dog part may not be true.

It may be true.

I refuse to say.

Here's where I stand coming up on the end of the first quarter of the new year.

1. Mad Baron's Doomed Daughter is undergoing another round of outside eyes. I still hate XXXXX (in case they read this blog I don't want to taint their opinion) and will rewrite it no matter what feedback I get.

2. Widowed Witch of the West languishes with about 10-15k to the finish line. So close, but I so totally despise every word (thank you, stress inducing celestial spider) it is hard to work on it. I have a goal to finish the first draft by the end of the month. I WILL NOT work on anything else until this first draft is finished.

3. I kind of really want to write the next book in my historical romance series. Working title, Circe's Promise. Because I am on an Odyssey kick. There's a cyclops in book three! Book four is a real Odysseus kind of tale.

Truthfully, with all that's going on, I may not write anything else new this year after WWotW is finished. Instead, I might focus on reworking several existing projects. Like Tesia's book. I also might not.

Right now my focus is on finishing WWotW. I will do it!  Because not finishing it is not an option. I've only ever started and left one novel unfinished and I don't mean to make it two!



Tesia Teaser

See what I did there? No, well, fine! I've spent the week reworking this short story. It is not perfect. Because, again, was meant to be internal document type thing. I like though, so may as well share! I don't normally do this type of thing for a project, but I was leaping back into first person so wanted to get into the mc's head. The easiest way was to write this backstory for her. This is not first person. Because I was not in her head yet.

Tesia changed so much from my original inception of the story. She started as a dream, something I rarely use when writing, and then I had two scenes I wrote before even starting the novel.

Oh, and she was a pain in the ass. I had a love interest planned and then she liked someone else. (The life of a pantser is always a roller coaster.) Then, I heard a song and she informed me the current love interest was nice and all, but she had other plans. ARGH! Of course, I love where the novel ended up.

And it all started here. After the dream. I have one book done and I want to do a second. It is on the list. 


 “Tes! Tesia!”

Her name echoed around the barn, but Tesia didn’t come out from the stall she’d hid inside. The voice grew closer as she huddled down under the blanket she’d stolen from her brother’s horse. It was no less scratchy than the hay she’d piled around herself, but at twelve the straw and blanket fort was the best she could do so quickly. They’d found her in her closet and even under her bed.

“Tesia!” came closer.

Tes clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a whimper. Was that them? Were the coming to get her? Tesia felt them near waiting for her to make the mistake of looking out of her fort.

“Won’t do it,” she whispered to herself and froze. Had they heard? She pulled the blanket down so it was atop her.

“Tesia Faustina Jaskolski! You come out right now!”

Oh, thank God! It wasn't them. It was her mom. Her mom sounded furious so she didn’t pop out. Even though, more than anything, she wanted to feel her mother’s arms around her.


The voice came from the same stall she hid in now. Despite her best efforts at fort building her mother found her instantly. The blanket was yanked off and it captured her flyaway brown hair and created a halo around her face. Blinking brown eyes sat under heavy eyebrows as she stared at her mom with unconcealed fear.

“Mom,” she whispered before she threw herself against her mom despite her angry face. Tesia didn't know how long the anger remained as she buried her head in her mom’s shoulder to sob. It wasn’t until her mother hugged her back that she began to believe things might be ok. Even then she felt them watch her while they hovered out of sight. They waited to grab her. Tes dared to lift her head and look around. A flicker of grey from the corner of her eye sent her back to hide against her mother’s shoulder with a sob.

“Mom, please.” They drew closer. “Mom, don’t let them get me.”

Her Mom did nothing and they continued to stalk closer. Her mother began to whisper, but Tes realized it was not to her. Most of the words made no sense. In truth, she did not even know if they were words.

Well, not all of them Some of them were words she was not supposed to say, but did when no one else was around. Forbidden words felt different on her tongue. Tesia loved the illicit thrill of it all even if she was not brave enough to say them when anyone else might hear. Even as she thought illicit words the fearfully cold, eerily beautiful creatures grew closer.

Tesia, they both called and she tried to pull away from her mother to run again. Surely she could find someplace they wouldn’t catch her? Her mom’s arms tightened around her when she tried to get free. Tes reeled at the betrayal. How could she do this to her own daughter? Let these things get her?       

We are not things, they said and their voices echoed inside as they burrowed into every part of her brain. No, deeper than her brain. It was like they poked into her very being, her soul. She felt them root out her secrets and shames and felt their displeasure at each and every one of them. Tesia’s sobs grew louder, but it did not deter them.

We are glorious, whispered into her head, but she didn’t believe it for a second.

We are glorious, thundered inside her head and Tesia screamed. She kept screaming even after their cold displeasure was soothed over. Something stopped it and despite feeling them inside, whatever these terrifying, glorious creatures were, Tesia was able to put a wall up between her and them. Inside the walls she huddled in fear as she heard something else.

Tesia, remember you’re not just your mother’s daughter. The voice wasn’t one she recognized at first. Then, as the walls were torn down by the fearsome creatures, Tesia remembered the voice.

“Granny Janka!” she screamed out loud. “Help me!”  Except Granny Janka was gone, run off by the things in her soul.

We are glorious, the creatures insisted. Tesia wondered if she should agree with them like she did with her mom. It was easier to just agree with adults.

So, she tried a tentative, You are glorious.

It didn’t work.

The pain flared back to life. Tesia felt like her head was going to explode before blissful blackness overtook her. In the blackness she saw two points of light that grew brighter until her head did explode.


“Tesia, I don’t think you should be going out with him.”

Tesia stared at herself in the mirror with a frown. Her hair refused to do what she wanted. Her mother kept talking behind her, but Tesia ignored her despite the twinge of disapproval she felt forced upon her.

“Tes!” her mom shouted. With a sigh, Tesia turned to face her mother, still hating her hair. “I do not approve of him.” Tes stared at her mother in disbelief.

“Is that supposed to mean something to me?” Tesia asked. Again, there’s that twinge of disapproval. Words accompanied the feeling this time and her head echoed with them.  Words she’s heard for five years, but still fought against even if it led to pain. “Fred’s a nice boy, mother,” Tesia offered despite the twinge of pain. They always knew when she lied.

It was the action that created the most trouble for her. Especially as she lied to her parents frequently. They refused to believe it was almost required as a teenager. Ageless, divine beings did not understand being a teenager.

“I don’t like that boy.”

Tesia left the mirror to go back to her closet. Flipping through her wardrobe she wondered if she should change. Was there time? She was supposed to meet Fred in less than an hour and her mother could go on for twice that long.

“Tesia,” her mother said, in her I’m giving you one last chance to be reasonable tone, “You have responsibilities. You should be training for your work and not messing around with such things. If you spent less time on your grandmother’s-“ her mother began and Tesia knew she was in for it now if she didn’t speak.

“Mom,” Tes interrupted. “I’m sorry. I haven’t been to see Janka in a month. I swear.” She skirted the edge of the truth with the words, but they’re distracted by something now and don’t notice. “Look, if you promise I can go out tomorrow with Sara and the others I’ll study tonight.” If having angels of the Lord in your head taught anything it was how to speak like a lawyer. Wanting to sell the promise she picked up her cellphone and texted Fred. As her mother watched she sent MEET U THERE NSTEAD.

Even with the shortcut through the woods it’d be a close call to get to their meeting spot before Fred got bored and left. Tes was quite aware Fred was not the good boy she claimed. That was the point. Tesia tried to look innocent as she threw herself onto her bed and reached under it for the ebony box hidden away from everyone.

“Tesia, I know it is hard on you, sweetheart. Please understand I did not want this for you. I never wanted this to happen this way.” Her mother had said the words before. At least once a week for the last five years.

Tesia, as always, shook her head to stop her mother. “Mom, it’s fine. I know, ok? Look, can I be alone?” The trick was to not have to open the box. If she opened the box she had to actually stay long enough to appease them. If she stayed any time she’d miss out on Fred.

"Very well, Tesia,” her mother finally said. “Do not overtax yourself in your studies. I shall discuss with your father if you may go out tomorrow.” The final look from her mother was filled with distrust.

“Finally,” Tes muttered. Knowing her mother the way she did there was no bolting out the window yet. Instead, Tesia sat on her bed, fingers tracing the ancient words carved onto the wooden box. She opened it as little as possible because it only invited their attention. With them distracted by something right now she didn’t want them coming back to her. Crossing the room to get her phone she sent another text to Fred.  HEADING OUT C U SOON. Phone tucked into her pocket she stretched out on her back and counted to one hundred.

When she hit eighty the door opened and her mother’s head peeped in. “Do you want to have ice cream?”

“What flavor?” She’d been through the freezer so unless her mother had run to the store, unlikely as it was half an hour away, she should be safe in asking the question.


Tesia wrinkled her nose as she pointed to the dresser. “I’ve got some jelly beans in there if I want something sweet.” She’s not supposed to have food in her room, but her mother wouldn’t give her trouble tonight. It would help explain away any guilt she felt. They latched onto guilt like her dog with a fresh bone.

Again her mother hesitated, but Tesia ignored her. Once the door closed, Tes sprang up and hurried to press her ear against it. After she heard the squeak from the bottom step she turned the lock. Shoes in one hand, she darted to the window and slid it open quietly. Ever since she’d figured out she could drop herself onto the porch roof, Tesia’d been sure the window was well oiled.


Her shoes were tossed down first. Bare feet touched down on the porch roof and she grabbed the rope tied to the window to pull it down almost all the way. Quietly inching to the edge of the porch she peeked over until she could make sure no one looked out the window. Dropping down she grabbed her shoes and raced for the tree line. She stopped only long enough to put her shoes on. Tesia’d raced through the woods since she was a kid so there was no need to worry about surprises.

At the old iron fence, she stopped and counted iron bars. When she found the one she wanted she gave a tug to free it and slip inside. The old cemetery was long out of use. Even Tesia’s family had switched to the one behind the church. Once she learned about the busted bar from her brothers this had become Tesia’s private hangout since she first started to sneak out of her house.

“Thought you wasn’t going to make it,” Fred said from the top of a crumbling headstone. He set his feet on the ground and walked over to Tesia. “Would have been a shame,” he said before holding out his arms.

Tes made him wait until she counted to five. Then she laughed before stepping into his embrace. Her nose wrinkled at the smell, he’d been smoking, but she didn’t resist when he tipped her head up for a kiss.

He tasted like cigarettes, but Tesia did her best to ignore it and find the thrill Fred usually caused in her. There’s nothing this time so when he tried to push his hand under her shirt she backed away. “Ugh,” Tes said with a grin. “You smell. I thought you said you’d stop smoking before we met up.”

Fred stepped closer and tried to flatten her resistance with his cocky, charming grin. “Aww. Come on, Tesia. You were late and I was bored.” He grabbed the sleeve of her shirt to tug her back to him. “I missed you so much,” he said before his hands tried to get under her shirt again.

Tesia frowned and tried to jerk away, but his hands tightened on her. “Cut it out, Fred,” she warned before yelping when his fingers tightened more painfully around her arm. “Not amused.” Fred pulled her closer and she didn’t fight because she felt them stir in her head. “Come on, Fred,” Tesia said. “You had your fun. Now lemme go. I’m so not in the mood for this.”

Fred kissed her again and Tes tried to get away, but he had both his arms around her. “Tired of the games, Tes,” Fred said as his hand shoved down the back of her pants. “Always teasin’ me and meetin’ me places you could put out, but you never do. I know you want to.” Tes was so stunned by his words he managed to shove her to the ground. When she felt the rough edge of a fallen tombstone scrape her back she kicked at Fred.

“You’re an idiot, Fred,” Tesia said as she managed to get away and scramble to her feet. His eyes narrowed as his lips turned down grimly. Tes backed away. She felt her heartbeat speed up even as she tried to keep it down.

“You’re scared,” Fred mocked as he kept following her. He made her take careful half-steps in the dark. “Nothing to be scared about now, Tessie.” 

She was scared, but not because of Fred. A bitter wind blew up from nowhere and fallen leaves and bits of stone flew around the cemetery. A piece of stone hit her cheek and she cried out as it embedded itself under her left eye. The wind grew stronger as Fred’s eyes widened and he looked around with alarm.

The vessel must not be harmed, whispered in the wind.

“What the fuck!” Fred yelled as he ducked a branch heading for his head.

The vessel must not be harmed, was repeated as Tesia saw twin flashes of light in the windstorm.

“No!” Tesia yelled into the wind. “I’m not harmed. I’m ok. He didn’t mean nothing. Please.” She didn’t know what they’d do. She’d read enough in the books locked in the wooden box to know what they could do and she didn’t want to be a witness to any of those things. “I’m ok,” she cried out again, but it didn’t matter.

The vessel shall not suffer the touch. There must be an Answer.

By now Fred’s eyes were white and he’d begun to tremble. Larger pieces of debris smacked into him, knocking him about in the wind. A blinding light that Tes hoped for a second was headlights left her unable to see. When her eyes cleared she stared in disbelief.

The cemetery was a shambles. Tesia cried out as she lifted a hand and found the piece of stone stuck in her cheek. She pulled it out and shoved it into her pocket. Looking around she screamed at what she saw. Fred, what she believed was Fred, stood before her, arms up to ward off something about to strike his face.

He is cleansed, danced in her ears and Tesia continued to stare in disbelief at what stood before her.

His clothes were still clothes, but his body was no longer flesh. A shaking hand touched his face and came away covered in a fine white powder. Sniffing her fingers, she recoiled when she almost put her tongue to her flesh.

“What did you do?” she whispered. Tears streaked her cheek and she touched Fred again. He’d been an asshole, that familiar twinge of disapproval at the name calling passed almost without notice, but he wasn’t this much of one.

The unclean shall not touch our vessel. They shall not harm our vessel. Our duty is to the vessel. Her duty is to the greater good. The vessel must not be harmed.

Tesia wanted to scream at their answer, but she didn’t. It would do no good. “But what do I do about this?” she asked the beings lurking in her head. “Someone will come looking for him.” The answer was given and she recoiled from it. “No,” she said, but they would not be denied. She’d never gotten away with telling them no.

The pain from her disobedience was welcome as it distracted her from what they wanted her to do to Fred. Her resistance did not last long and she gave in as tears blurred her vision. Several minutes of shoving made Fred’s body rock. When it finally went over she covered her eyes. The smell opened them again and she ran a few feet away to drop to her knees and lose her dinner. Heaving, trying to breathe through her mouth, she ran.

Disobedience, they whispered, has consequences for all involved.

Her hands shook so bad she was unable to get the bar back in place. So, she left it and raced for home. It was impossible to see through the tears and she tripped over rocks and roots she’d normally leap over with a laugh.  There’s no laugh in her now. They’d stolen her laugh. They’d stolen her life. The thought was out before she could stop it and Tesia fell against a tree as her head exploded in shards of light.

We are a gift. We are glorious.

Through the pain she made her way home, but she couldn’t stand the thought of climbing back to her room. Instead, she stumbled in the back door, a mess of blood, bruises, and vomit to be stared at by her parents. Her mother sat down the phone as her father turned off the small tv in the kitchen.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. They were the only words she could managed as her parents helped her up the stairs. Her mother put her in the shower and Tesia grabbed her tight as she continued to whisper, “I’m sorry.”

After the shower, her mother tucked her into bed. Her father came in a few minutes later as all the lights shone down on her. He took the box and put it away under the bed. As he turned off the lights she started shivering again, but he replaced the electricity with warm, scented candles that seeped into her body and calmed her.

“Tesia,” her dad said as he sat on the bed. She pulled her hands from under the quilt made for her by her grandma Janka. On her palms he traced a sigil in sweet smelling oil.

Thank God, there’s that twinge of disapproval, but farther away, for her father and his mother. Without grandma Janka and her father she was sure the angels would have made her mad by now. Tonight, her father’s magic kept her safe from them. He sat with her until she fell into an uneasy sleep. When she woke several hours later the room was empty except for the scent of low burning candles.

“Never again,” Tesia swore aloud. “I’ll find a good man or none at all.”

There would be no more deaths on her hands.

There would be no more dancing with trouble and seeing how far she could push those tethered to her soul.

She knew now there were limits. Unfortunately, she’d learned that through Fred. In the fading light of the candles she felt her grandmother watch over her, keeping the angels at bay. In their distant, disapproving watchfulness she knew they witnessed her oath. The thought nearly comforted her, but as her eyes closed she saw Fred again. His whole body was not turned to salt, only the outside. When he’d fallen, he’d crashed into wet, fleshy pieces.

Tesia whimpered at the memory and spent the rest of the night staring, wide-eyed at the ceiling to try to forget what she’d seen.


The service had ended a couple of hours ago. Tesia was happy to be left alone in the church for a few minutes before her brothers brought the car around. The temperature outside was dropping again and with the rain already coming down that meant a long drive back home. A long, uncomfortable drive back home. As she sat at the front of the church she divided her attention between the flowers overpowering everything with their smell and the wooden cross hanging behind the altar.

It still didn’t seem real. Tesia had thought when her mother had died she’d never feel this lost again, but the accident that took her father sent her into a tailspin. For a week she’d fielded visits from family and friends offering condolences. Her fridge was stocked with food, most of it she had no interest in touching, but she’d still have to empty and clean and return the containers.

The state trooper who’d responded to the call had shown up at the farm in person to deliver the news. Not that Tesia had needed him. Her father had shown up when she was making dinner after getting off work early. Her hand still ached from the burn she’d received that night.

Tesia hadn’t truly noticed the burn as her father stood silently before her. He hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t needed to say anything.

Bill, a nice man she’d dated briefly after graduating, had knocked tentatively at the door. Tesia, red-eyed with a wet towel wrapped around her hand had answered. Bill’s family had lived in the area a long time and his mother had known her granny so he didn’t ask how she knew. He’d sat with her until she called her brothers and he’d driven her to the hospital on the icy roads to see her father. The call from the hospital had come as they were navigating a particularly nasty corner on the way into town.

All of that was a week ago, however, and now she had to deal with the aftermath. Her brothers, Jarek and Casimir had arrived yesterday. Too late to have been of help, but plenty early enough to have gotten on her nerves. Their relationship had been strained since Casimir had run off to attend college in Colorado. His leaving the state had been the nail in her coffin. Tesia closed her eyes, waited for the familiar twinge of disapproval, but it didn’t come. They’d been suspiciously quiet the last week.

Despite the wind outside, Tesia stood from the pew and buttoned up her coat. She slipped out the side door and went around the back to the cemetery. A twinge of guilt pierced her when she pretended not to see Daniel still hovering nearby.

No one was there and she was thankful. The fresh dirt drew the eye like nothing else could. Tesia ignored the cold and the knowledge her brothers would be looking for her soon. Sinking down beside the grave she laid her head against the headstone.

She’d paid extra to be sure it was ready by the time they buried him. It matched the one made for her mother a few years ago. It also bore a striking resemblance to the one on the other side of his plot where her granny had been laid to rest. The same symbols, carefully write in granite, protected him in death. Her mother’s stone has no such symbols. She’d never want such heathen things haunting her in the afterlife.

“Your forehead will freeze there if you’re not careful,” she heard behind her and Tesia opened her eyes before lifting her head. Unshed tears finally fell as she saw her father stand at the foot of his grave. He didn’t get closer; they wouldn’t let the dead get closer. Even if the dead were family.

“Maybe,” Tesia said as she cried. “But the company would be better.” Ever since they’d arrived she’d done nothing but argue with her brothers. The same thing had happened at her mother’s funeral. Only then her father had been able to smooth things over. Now there was no one and she’d found she didn’t care.

“They’re still family, Tesia.” There was no chiding in his tone. “I know it’s hard,” her father continued when she had no response for his words. “I’m sorry,” he said and Tesia wrapped her arms around herself at the pain she heard in his voice.

Looking up again she couldn’t make him out as clearly as the first time. Their time grew short. She struggled to find words, but they refused to come.

“It wasn’t your fault,” she managed to get out finally. “Do you get to be with mom?” The question’d haunted her for as long as she could remember. Her mother had once carried the same burden as her; given up only when her second child had reached maturity. The fact that child had fled before the mantle settled upon him didn’t matter.

Her father, however, had been trained by his mother in other magics. Was his witchcraft keeping him from being with his beloved wife now they were both dead? Tesia wasn’t sure she truly wanted to know the answer.

“He’s not cruel,” her father said. Tesia wasn’t quite sure, but that thought she buried down deep so they didn’t hear even a hint of it. “She’s unable to come, Tesia. It’s not in her blood. But if you have need of me your granny will let me know. Trust her.” As she watched he faded further, almost invisible now. “Tesia, do not despair. I know there will be trials to come and you will feel alone, but you’re not. Remember, Tesia, He does love you. Don’t lose faith. There are whispers, I wish I could say more. Be vigilant. Trust in God, but more importantly, trust in yourself.”

Tesia listened, strained to hear what he said as the wind started to blow over his words. “We love you, Tesia. Don’t hate your brothers for their weakness. They can help it no more than you can help your strength.” Tes watched her father fade from sight before she stood.

The thin sheet of ice forming on everything made it hard to cross the cemetery, but she didn’t let it stop her. Kneeling down again she pulled the flower from her coat and set it on the ice covered headstone she stopped before. “I’m sorry,” she whispered in the wind. Her fingers brushed over the name carved on the stone. For five years she’d made the trek to Fred’s grave looking for…something. She didn’t know what. Forgiveness, maybe, for stealing his life. Maybe for the pain his family continued to suffer over not knowing what happened to him?


She heard the shout so headed back for the church with a frown. Her brothers waited inside and Jarek shut the door behind her. “Goddamn, but it’s freezing,” he said.

Tesia felt the pulse of anger from the angels. Without thinking she slapped her brother who recoiled from her with narrow, red eyes. “Jarek Jaskolski,” she said in a low voice. “Do not take His name in vain and especially not in His own house.” It was not only the angels’ anger that filled her words. Her anger came from a more selfish place, but she didn’t know if the angels knew, or cared, so long as she was angry at the broken commandment.

Jarek didn’t say anything until Casimir nudged him. “Yea, sorry.”

Tesia knew he didn’t mean it, but she tried to hide her knowledge from them. If they were appeased then, for now, that was all that mattered. She was not up to dealing with their righteous wrath today.

“Come on,” Casimir said as he took her hand. “Let’s get home. Are we expecting people?”

“Wait.” Tes pulled her hand from his and left her brothers to go find Daniel in his office. The door was open and he stood in front of one of the many bookshelves inside. He looked good, as always. Some small part of her wanted to go inside and let him hug her until everything was better. She always squelched such ideas. It was nowhere near time to settle down. Especially not with a pastor.

“Tes?” He smiled at her and left the books on the shelf to cross the room. This close she caught the scent of his shampoo and laundry detergent. He always smelled clean. Even in high school.

A sob rose up and she did not resist when he pulled her into his arms. Neither of them spoke. Daniel stroked her back through her coat and she sobbed against his shirt. Tes finally pulled away when the feel of his hand went from a comforting touch to something else.

It was all her as his hands did nothing new. This just happened sometimes. They were friends from way back, but every now and again she felt a distinct twinge of lust for him. As wrong as it surely was, she basked in the temptation for a moment. Shut the door, seduce him on the overstuffed sofa, and forget everything wrong for a time. Tes stepped backwards into the hallway.

“Thank you. I- I’ll call you tomorrow.”

She felt his eyes on her as she fled the temptation of him.

Her brothers waited by the door and she let Jarek take her hand. Tesia let him lead her from the church, but once outside she pulled her hand away. He’d driven them to the church, but she didn’t want him driving her home. Pulling open the door to the truck she slid behind the wheel and turned the heat up all the way.

“Can’t believe you still drive this,” Jarek said as he dodged the spring in the middle of the bench seat. Tesia ignored him as she carefully got her seatbelt attached. When neither of her brothers did the same she turned to look at them, waiting in silence until they did their own belts. Only once they’re secure did she carefully pull out of the church parking lot.

Twice more they asked questions or made comments designed to get her talking, but Tesia ignored them all. The road needed her attention. It’s what she said when Casimir pushed a few minutes later for an answer to his original question in the church. They were quiet after that and the only sounds to accompany her drive home were the crunch of tires and the heater blasting warm air.

Tesia made the turn off the road onto the long driveway with care. Another mile, she told herself. Then she could leave them to entertain anyone who did decide to show up. The thought of a hot shower and silence comforted her more than any of the words of condolence she received today from friends and relatives. They would not bring the peace Daniel’s embrace had, but neither would they bring confusion.

Unfortunately, she realized, as she pulled the truck into the old barn her father’d always meant to convert to an actual garage, silence wasn’t what was in store. An old, black Cadillac sat idling in front of the porch. Tesia ignored it and the man inside as she hurried to unlock the door and build the fire back up. As she opened the front door, Tesia still shivered, but not from the temperature change. No, it was the angels’ sudden and intense attention that made her body react. The weight of it had her resting a hand on the wall to remain upright.

“Not now,” she begged silently. She could not deal with it now. Three sets of footsteps had her turn to greet the unwanted guest. Tesia’s smile was in place for the family lawyer, but she couldn’t ignore the way he looked around.  As if being there was the worst experience of his life.

“Mr. Nallin,” she greeted as her brothers removed their coats. “I’m surprised to see you here. We missed you at the service.” It left her time to wonder how long he’d been this way and she was proud of the way her voice didn’t waiver when Nallin’s eyes looked into hers. Did he know she knew? It would be easier if he didn’t. “Would you like coffee?” she asked before heading for the kitchen. There was less to break in there and the tile floor was less precious to her than the original hardwood in the living room.

Since she didn’t wait for a reply the other three were forced to follow her into the other room. Tesia grabbed the holy water from the counter before they came in and splashed a few drops onto the heater in the corner before turning it on.

“We appreciate you coming out in this weather.”

Tesia laughed at Jarek’s words. She wished she’d been able to stop herself. Three sets of curious eyes, one a little hostile, turned on her and Tesia smiled nervously.

“Sorry. Just…this weather. You’ve adapted too well to California,” she said and it seemed to be an acceptable answer. Filling the old coffee pot from the kitchen faucet was easy. Getting a few drops of holy water into the pot was harder, but she managed. Tesia sat at the table after turning on the coffee pot. “Is anyone hungry?” she asked.

Casimir opened the fridge and pulled out a pie dropped off two days ago by one of Dad’s poker buddies from the senior center. “Anyone?” he asked and Tesia tried not to watch Nallin too carefully when he answered.

“I’d better pass,” the lawyer said. “I promised my wife I’d lose the extra ten pounds after the holidays.” It’s a perfectly acceptable answer, but Tesia saw the slight twist at the corner of his mouth. Self-satisfaction at the lie received was almost always a giveaway. Tesia tried to stop the nervous tapping of her foot on the tile, but had no success. Hopefully they would write it off as post-funeral nerves. Casimir sat at the table with a large piece of pie in front of him as the others waited for the coffee.

“Is this about father’s will?” Jarek asked. Their mother’s death had been easier that way as well. Everything of hers was left to their father except for a few small things given out to cousins, family friends, and her children. This time was different. Tesia already knew what her father’s will said as she’d been appointed his executor. He’d had her help him decide who got what and in a way she was glad of that now. No surprises for her. Surprises stopped being her friend a long time ago.

“It is,” Nallin said as the coffee pot gurgled to let them know it finished. Tesia forced herself to count to ten in her head before rising. From the nearest cupboard she pulled out four mugs. She whispered a quick prayer over each of them before running her finger around the ring of color on their rims. Once the cups were filled she carried them to the table.  Jarek grabbed one immediately for a long drink.

Nallin was slower, but he reached for a cup. He wouldn’t be able to get out of a drink. That was why she’d brought over the mugs without asking who wanted a drink. Casimir dumped sugar in his, even more than Tesia liked. She opened the door to the fridge to ask, “Milk?” All three shook their heads so she only grabbed the small pitcher for herself. Tes bought herself time as she doctored her coffee, but they were growing restless.

Finally, she took a sip and lifted her mug. “To Dad,” she said sadly. The others at the table lifted their mugs and everyone took a solemn drink. Even the lawyer. Tesia ignored the shout of triumph inside her head as the angels felt the lawyer fall into her trap. Eyes full of fury turned on her as the mug fell from Nallin’s hand and spilled onto the table. Casimir and Jarek shared a surprised look as Tesia sprang to her feet.

“Are you ok, Chuck?” Jarek asked as he reached for Nallin’s shoulder.


Jarek pulled his hand away, eyes wide as Tesia ignored their guest. From the top of the fridge she pulled down an old tin can. Dumping it out onto the table she selected three pieces of worn chalk and dropped to her knees. “Stay away from him,” she warned as her brothers looked on in puzzlement.

“You stupid whore,” Nallin spat as she started to encircle him on the floor with colored lines drawn in chalk. Under her breath she enunciated words carefully taught her over the years. The chair rocked as Nallin tried to regain control of his body. He didn’t drink much so it won’t take long. The heated water in the air would help, but she needed to move quickly or someone would be hurt.

“Tesia, what are you doing?” Casimir demanded, but Tesia stopped his approach with a withering look.

“Your job,” she told him. Pointing to the coffee on the table she said, “Clean it up before it spills into the circle.” To his credit, begrudgingly given, Jarek grabbed a towel to clean the mess without asking further questions. Once the circles were in place she rose to her feet. “What’s your name?” she demanded of the demon inside their family lawyer’s body.

“That knowledge won’t save you,” the demon snarled as blood leaked from the lawyers’ eyes. Tesia felt her brothers’ shock, but she had to ignore it for now. Without taking her eyes from the demon she took a deep breath. This was always the tricky part and she was still not comfortable with it. Already she could feel the will of the angels trying to force themselves on her.

“Is he in collusion?” Tesia asked as she struggled to let the angels leave her in control. If she found out the lawyer welcomed such a deal there was no stopping the angels. A possession would be easier. It would definitely be neater. Crossing the room without looking away from the demon she opened the cupboard to the right of the sink to take out a green glass bottle. “Is he in collusion?” she asked again as the demon laughed when he saw what she held.

“You cannot stop me with that.” The demon edged a foot close to the circles written on the floor, but he pulled it back quickly before it could cross over. “The lawyer’s body served its purpose,” he finally said as Tesia uncorked the bottle and stood just outside the circle. “It is not so strong it will survive what you intend.” Blood seeped from the corners of the mouth used by the demon before he grinned to show blood-coated teeth.

“Will you be a killer?” the demon asked. “Will you break His commandments to sever my ties from this Earth?”

He meant for the words to give her pause. The first demon she’d faced had done so with those same words. Unfortunately for the fellow in her kitchen he was not her first demon.

“There’s no commandment about making a mess on my kitchen floor,” Tesia quipped despite the disapproval from the angels and her brothers’ continuing confusion. “This will be easier if you tell me your name.” Tesia wasn’t sure those words were the truth, but the angels always said it would be easier and she tried not to even think them liars. Those thoughts never ended well.

“You have no authority over me.” The demon’s words sounded more desperate and Tesia said a quick prayer of thanks for the desperation. A weaker demon meant she might be able to save the body. Chuck, she reminded herself. Mr. Nallin. The family lawyer for the last ten years. A man she knew. It’d never been someone she’d known.

Tesia resisted the urge to look behind her when she heard a noise. Sometimes when they were desperate a demon would pull out the same old tricks to distract. “If you believe that you don’t know who you’re dealing with,” Tesia informed him as she carefully pours a small amount of thick liquid into her palm. It heated the skin, but she ignored the sensation to focus on the demon. “I am the Holder of God’s Gift,” she intoned as the demon’s struggles grew more frantic.

Blood seeped from the body’s eyes and mouth as she watched.

She rubbed the oil into both of her hands as she stepped within the circle. The demon’s look of triumph faded as she placed her hands on his head. The soft scent of herbs was a sharp contrast to the scream of pain from the demon. He looked frantically around as best he could and cried out, “Please help me! She’s killing me! Please!” Tesia, long used to the antics of demons about to be removed from their host, paid him no mind, but her brothers were not so immune to his cries.

“Tesia,” Casimir said as she felt him move to stand behind her. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” The doubt in his voice angered her, but the angels’ warning came after she’d already taken a calming breath. Doubt and anger were emotions demons thrived on and to let either in now would be disastrous. Jarek didn’t voice any concerns he might have, but she felt him hovering.

“Yes, Tes,” the demon said as she felt the angels grow more agitated at the time she took to finish the job. “Do you know what you are doing? Poor Chuck here doesn’t think you can save him. He thinks he’s going to die. He has for some time.” Under her hands she felt the demon jerk the body around. Chuck’s head snapped back and he let out a moan of despair.

 “I don’t want to die.” Tesia wasn’t sure who spoke. Not that it changed anything.

Her hands burned now as they touched the demon’s head and she wasn’t able to hold back the angels any longer. “There is no death, but eternal life if you have faith in our Lord. Do not despair, Charles Alexander Patrick Nallin.” Tesia hated when they speak through her. Thankfully it was not that often. “We are the protectors. We are the power of your Lord made manifest on this Earth.”

Tesia knew when they gathered their power to expel the demon and she said the words in her head that her grandmother had taught her. The angels disliked her interference with their power, but an uneasy truce had been reached in that regard.

“Have faith,” Tesia whispered to Chuck before the angels took her voice once again.

“Out, demon,” they cried from her mouth. Tesia felt the struggle as the demon resisted the surge of heavenly energy that poured through her hands. She’d witnessed exorcisms done by those without an angel, or two, on their shoulder. It could be done. All it truly took was an unshakable faith. Tesia, in times like these, was thankful for the angels because she’d never called her faith steady.

“In the name of God,” Tesia said, her words echoed by the angels. “By the power he grants all those living to resist evil, I command you to return to the Pit. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask mercy for Charles Alexander Patrick Nallin. Be gone, demon, and trouble this man no more.”

The demon howled and Tesia felt the body under her hands twitch and jerk as the infernal creature struggled to hang on. His resistance grew weaker and there’s a joyous shout from her and the angels when the demon tore free and was gone.

“Call 9-1-1,” Tesia yelled as the lawyer’s body jerked and fell to the floor. This too she’d done before. “Someone bring me the jar atop the fridge,” she said as she loosened the lawyer’s tie and pushed the chair out of the way. The chair crashed to the floor as Jarek handed her the jar. From the jar she pulled out a soft cloth that reeked of the fragment oils it had been left to soak in.

The angels were not interested now that the demon was gone. Thankfully, they offered no arguments when she whispered her grandmother’s spells to try to strengthen Chuck’s body. In the background she heard Casimir on the phone stammering about what happened. Growling in frustration she broke her spell and told him, “We don’t know. Maybe it’s his heart? He’s breathing, but not responding to our voice. He just fell over.” Casimir repeated the words and Tesia shoved him from her mind again to pick up her spells. The herbal floral scent from the jar filled the room and washed away the last of the demon’s scent. As she wiped a corner of the clothe with care over Chuck’s face she whispered for healing and caught the soft flare of power that combined her will with the prepared oil.

Casimir continued to talk to the dispatcher, but Tes was too deep in the spell now to help out. Jarek would have to pick up the slack. Tesia basely felt Chuck’s body respond to the spells and she had no way of knowing if his mind would return. If not, they’d likely chalk it up to a stroke and leave his family to deal with the aftermath. Tesia hoped if his mind was lost then it was truly gone and not locked in the torment the demon had trapped him in before. As her own mind came back to the room she felt the first sting of pain on her palms.

Ignoring the pain, she rocked back on her ankles and rose to her feet. “The jar,” she said as she sank into her chair.  Jarek picked it up to set on the table, but when he got to close it she stops him. Another square of clothe from the jar was pressed against her palms. The burning on her skin stayed, but grew no stronger. This made it easier to keep more tears from falling.

“Tesia,” Jarek asked quietly as Casimir remained on the phone with the emergency dispatcher, “What happened?” The absurdity of the question made her laugh. Jarek’s look of alarm made her laugh harder.

From outside she heard sirens coming closer and she left the answering of the door to one of her brothers. Rising from the chair she walked out on to the back porch. Ignoring the bite in the air, she sat on the battered couch and listened to the EMTs rush in to see to Chuck. They were out of luck if they needed anything from her. Sleep crept over her brain with a welcome respite from the day.


Snow fell when she woke and through the wall of windows she saw nothing but the white blackness outside. Someone had covered her with her favorite quilt as she slept and the woodstove radiated heat to drive away the winter night’s chill. As sleep abandoned her she realized she was not alone.

“You had us worried,” Jarek said as he handed her a mug. Tesia struggled to sit up and claim the mug with a mumbled apology.  Jarek sat as he told her, “Casimir’s packing.”

“Not so surprised,” Tes said before the rich scent of chocolate and cinnamon lured her towards the mug. She peered into it with a smile. “You remembered.”  Jarek said nothing and she was thankful for the silence. The snow fell outside and other than the occasional pop from the wood stove it was quiet. “I miss you,” Tesia whispered to her brother as she tried to hold back tears. “Now I have no one.” She knew they wouldn’t move back and she wasn’t able to leave.

He is with you, echoed in her head and Tesia did not even try to explain the difference. We are with you. It was the first time Tesia’d ever heard an ounce of comfort in their voice. The vessel should listen more carefully, they scolded and she smiled.

“Tesia? Are you ok?” She looked at her brother and read the worry in his eyes.  So, she shifted her mug to her other hand so she could touch his arm.

“I’m fine, Jarek. How’s Mr. Nallin?” The question was the one she was most afraid to ask. Jarek sat in silence which was all the answer she needed.

“It wasn’t your fault,” Jarek finally said. “We got a call a couple hours ago. He died at the hospital.”

Tesia let the words sink into her brain without a response. To buy herself time she drank her cocoa and watched the snow. The dark outside made her nervous, but she wasn’t sure why. At Jarek’s nervous look her way she let out a heavy sigh.

“I know it wasn’t my fault,” she told her brother. “It was the demon’s. Maybe it was Mr. Nallin’s. I don’t know and it doesn’t matter.” The hard note in her voice startled her brother, but Tesia saw no reason to temper her words.  “I have a duty.” The porch was oppressive all at once and she wanted to be alone.

So, she stood and wrapped the quit around her shoulders. “Thanks for the cocoa.” The feeling in the pit of her stomach that it was not smart to go outside was ignored. The backyard was dark and cold, but not so cold she wanted to go back inside. Tesia sat on the old picnic table her grandfather had built and sipped her cocoa.

Someone was coming. She had no idea who, or what, but she felt the land still in anticipation. The family’s protections served as wards over the farm and should keep anything bad from intruding.  

“Witch daughter,” whispered on the wind and Tesia forced herself to look around slowly despite the rapid beating of her heart. She found no one, nothing, within view, but gave into the pull of the voice to follow it to the edge of the yard. The woods were dark despite the full moon. That darkness blossomed within the bare branches and flowed to where she stood. Tesia whispered a prayer and wove it into a spell for protection. In the blackness a point of light appeared and flickered out.

“Witch daughter,” the wind whispered again. Tesia refused the force of the words and stayed her distance from the darkness. The angels were quiet. It almost felt as if they hid from something, but they’d never done that before. What was held in that dark that angels of the Lord hid from it?

“There is a line, witch daughter,” the darkness told her. “You dance upon the line, toying with His plans as if it is your right.” Unable to look away from the light that danced in the darkness Tesia found herself unable to speak or move.

The vessel does as she should, argued her angels as their presence suddenly flooded Tesia with the strength to move. Her feet took a step backward, away from whatever hides in the woods. The vessel was Chosen for our purpose as is right.

Again the wind picked up and Tesia shielded her eyes from the debris whipped up from the ground. “The witch daughter must be taught,” the wind howled. Tesia barely managed to stifle her scream as the cold wind tore at her body before it sank deeper.

“Help me,” she whispered to her angels, but they did nothing. It reminded her of the day she was twelve and the angels first appeared to her, only worse. Tesia had thought the pain of that day was unendurable and the worst thing to happen to her, but she was wrong. The cold wind buffeted her very being and not even her spells helped. Driven to her knees she was barely aware of the snow as it seeped into her clothes. The physical pain, at least, gave her something to hold onto. She used that to help get on her feet and back away from the pain the creature on the wind seared into her soul.

“In the name of God,” Tesia whispered, putting as much power in the words as she could pull from the sleeping land under her, “Begone!” She hurtled generations of power at the being in the woods. She felt shock from the creature before it vanished.

What has the vessel done? they asked fearfully as Tesia turned from the woods. There was no answer, not when it took all her strength to get back to the house. Without a word she made it to the fire in the living room, blessedly empty of family, and sat down before the flames, thankful for the warmth.  Only when she was able to feel all her fingers again did she stand.

Hearing nothing from upstairs she went to the kitchen to gather what she needed. The angels’ demands for information she ignored for now. Tes opened the windows and shivered at the cold. Despite the cold she laid the quilt over a chair and stripped. Only long practice let her force out the right words through the chattering of her teeth. With a piece of chalk, she drew a circle around herself on the kitchen floor as she chanted the spells her father and his mother had taught her.

The angels had no choice but to be within the circle with her. Tesia continued to ignore their demands for information. Not until she pulled on them for additional power did they understand.

The vessel must not.

She ignored their warning. Not even the prickle of pain that came with their objection stopped her. Tesia’s chants grew louder as she wove in prayers learned at her mother’s knee to the spells of her father.

The vessel must not.

“He was taking you from me,” Tesia whispered after finishing her spells. In the circle there was nothing now but her and the angels. Not even the cold of the night would break through her spell as she closed her eyes. “I don’t know what or who that was,” she said as she felt the spell start to weave between her and the angels, “but I won’t let that happen again.” She opened herself up to the angels completely. She felt them root through her whole soul, even the places she’d kept private before. Nothing was hidden from them now.

“If I am bound to you,” Tesia said as she allowed herself to be overwhelmed by their presence, “Then so are you bound to me.”

An air of finality rang in her words and Tesia fell into a light too strong for her to bear as the spells bound the three together beyond what was already in place. As she crumpled to the floor within the circle of power a pair of lights flickered to either side of her.

She knows not what she does, one said as they stared at her still form.

They both thought of what had visited the farm that evening. If it were possible to doubt their destiny they surely would do so now.

He must have seen this, one offered finally. Tesia shivered on the ground and with a pulse of power she never felt the angels pulled her quilt to the circle and laid it over her.

The vessel must not be harmed, they said together. As they roused Tesia and urged her upstairs to her bed they worried amongst themselves without her knowledge. Brooding through the night as they watched Tesia sleep it w’s not until the first rays of light came through her unclosed curtains that one said Did He know and send Sariel to stop this? It followed this up with Why do I question His knowledge now?

If angels could sigh the other would have. The only answer given comforts neither of them. We are of the vessel and the vessel is of us. We can only trust in His plan.

Tesia woke not long after the less than comforting words and they retreated to hide their doubts from her. The vessel must never doubt their faith in His plan.





Teaser Delayed

I had plans to post a teaser for a project I am going to be working on this year. A short story that delved into the MC's background. I still plan on posting it, but it needs more work than I thought to be set out into the wild. It was always planned as an internal document of sorts.

I'll be getting that out soon.

Not likely for the next couple of weeks as I am dealing with a rather serious illness in the family and all of my time and energy is going there. Thanks for understanding, few but loyal followers!



Options are confusing!

I haven't updated in awhile. I meant to last weekend and last weekend was crazy. As crazy as this entire week turned out. Which means I let my head get spun around too much to get much done. I have one of those weeks a few times a year. Thankfully, I can recover!

I can't even blame social media for my lack of accomplishments this week as I was mostly off those as well. Basically, I had a hermit week. I played Fallout 4 some, read more than I have lately, and caught up on housework. Somewhat. With two dogs and two kids it's never truly caught up.

Mostly I am fighting conflicting projects! I WANT to work on one and need to work on the other. I am being good and doing what needs doing, but it's no fun. ;) Not when the other characters keep popping up with new scenes I need to write NOW! Widowed Witch of the West is only about 20k from being done, but until I get this unnamed short story done I am not going to address the conflict between the handsome US Marshal and the cursing witch. And let's not forget the- oh, well, that's a secret. ;)

I should get back to work! On the short story.

Here's where I left off the last time I worked on WWotW. Now you see why I am anxious to get back to this first draft!


“Do you want to get dressed first?”

Oh, right. She was naked. Aoife looked down at herself and wondered if she should put something on. Then again, he’d seen her naked. They’d, well, she figured once a man had been inside her maybe being naked in front of him was not a big deal.

“Does it bother you? My being naked?” It only bothered her a little, but she wasn’t going to let him know. No, she was going to be a modern, independent widow.

Had she drawn the curtains in the entryway? And the kitchen shutters. Were they closed? Maybe she should put something on.




Hey! A brief update!

Hello, blog!

I am alone this week. If you count no husband as alone. There are still dogs and kids with me. I'm not being as productive as I could be, but that's ok. I am being productive. Wanted to hit a new 10k on the current WIP, but have decided to go for 5k instead.

In other news, it's official! I have been rejected! I know, I know, why am I happy? I'm not. I'm bummed. Because, you know, REJECTED! Still, I am marking this day on the calendar as feeling like I have a writing career now. May as well use this as a marker of being official!

Because it's my career and I can do what I want. Nyah!

Suppose I'd best get back to work. :)



Looking back, peeking ahead

2015 gave me a lot. Here's a short list.

1. Fallout 4's Maccready. My current video game boyfriend. (I still love the previous ones, especially Baird from Gears of War.) No one who knows me is going to be surprised I especially love the funny, smart ass characters. I have always loved the funny, smart ass characters. Heck, I married one!

2. Poe Dameron. Have you seen The Force Awakens? Loved it! And Poe is my absolute favorite character. My kids asked who it would be and I told them to guess and they never did. Shawn, the beloved, did because he knows what I like.

3. The end of the Pennyroyal Green series by Julie Anne Long. Even though I absolutely loved the series. And I did. Do. That said, The Legend of Lyon Redmond was the way a series should end. (Also, sometimes, she responds to comments I make in response to her posts on fb. Do I sound too stalkery? Because, I swear am not, but I still squee when she does it.) 

4. Avon's FanLit contest. My first writing contest. I met great people through it. Helpful, awesome, supportive, talented people. Check out their pages on my Links page.

5. I submitted two different projects to two different publishers. Big step. 

6. Blog content. So much blog content! I'm glad I could do a little filling in so the first year of my blog was not empty. I still am not good at short stories, but I've had more practice and think I am getting better. It also gave me plenty of fodder (As if I needed more!) for new novels.

Here's to 2016 and what I'm going to do.

First, I've put Widowed Witch of the West on hold for a bit. I've lost the book somewhere and I write and then get stuck and then think I've sorted it out and write again, but it comes in fits and starts. So, I'm worried about pacing. And, I can't figure out where it's at or what I am doing. So, despite advice from a very talented writer friend of mine I am setting it aside undone. It is 3/4s done so I will be coming back to it. Just...not for a bit.

Instead, I've started a new project tentatively titled Fixing Broke. I had an idea this morning. I've written one chapter. I may wake up tomorrow or the next day and think it crap. Who knows? That's the fun of writing! (That is the fun, right?) 

Once this is done I'm going to either do a second project or dive into deep edits on something I finished, but want to fix. 

So, three novels this year. That's the plan. Maybe two. Depending on the route I go. 

Mad Baron's Doomed Daughter may bravely seek further rejection as well. Not right away. A month or two down the road. 

A couple of months from now I'll probably have a whole new idea about what I want to do this year. 

In the meantime, happy new year! 





31 Days - Epilogue


“Higher, babcia! Higher!”

Marcelina laughed even as tiny heels kicked her thighs. Soft boots covered Herbert’s feet because the harder heels in his everyday shoes had given her one too many small bruise. Fall was threatened by winter and she didn’t want to go too high and find the cold air lurking above. Dosia also did not like her going higher, but what her daughter didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.

“Not today,” she told Herbert. “We should go down now.”


“You’re no match for the terror, Herbie.”

“Not Herbie! Not!”

Marcelina laughed and ruffled his hair. He was spoiled by his mamas and his grandparents. Not enough to send her up into the cold air. Or stop calling him Herbie.

“Herbert,” Marcelina whispered. “Do you want to dive?”

“Dive, babcia! Dive!”

Marcelina hoped Dosia had not arrived to pick up her son yet. If only because she would try to deliver a lecture. Oh, Marcelina could shut her down with her recollections of Dosia’s own adventures at Herbert’s age, but she’d rather avoid it. Not enough to disappoint Herbert who shrieked the whole way down.

A slight stumble on the landing made Herbert laugh. She shook her head. Maybe she should cut back on the diving. Her leg, broken twice, had started to complain. Which was ridiculous. She was not old like her babcia had been the short time she’d known her. It wasn’t that many months ago she’d turned forty-five.

“How was school?” Marcelina asked once Herbert was unstrapped from her chest and on the ground. Her wings shook, feathers fluttered, and she settled them down. The right one still gave her trouble sometimes.

“I hate school!”


Herbert raced ahead when he saw Dosia across the lawn.

Marcelina was left to deal with the security guard.

“Ma’am? I’m sorry, but-”

“Kirk. Kirk, right?” The guard nodded with a wary look in his eyes. “Kindly fuck off. I don’t care what my husband said.”

“Yes, ma’am, but I’m supposed to remind you. Every time, ma’am.”

“Kirk, I like you. You’re cute.” He blushed and she laughed. “And smart. Do something better with your life than babysitting me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He wisely left her to catch up with her daughter and grandson.

Dosia eyed her suspiciously as Herbert told her about his first day of school and about flying with babcia.

“Mama. You didn’t go too high.”

“Of course not. You asked me not to.”

“And you listened?”

Marcelina smiled and opened the door leading into the kitchen of the governor’s house. “As well as I listened to your tata when he told me not to go too high.”

“We dove, mama!”

“Traitor,” Marcelina told her grandson as she ruffled his hair.

Dosia only sighed and fixed her son a sandwich while Marcelina made coffee. Once Herbert chewed loudly on a peanut butter sandwich, Marcelina and Dosia sat down at the island. Dosia squirmed in her chair and spent a long time fixing her coffee.

“What? Dosia, he’s perfectly safe. You were never harmed. And I did not go too high.”

“It’s not that, mama. I know you wouldn’t do anything too dangerous with Herbert.”

“Of course not,” Marcelina agreed. “And risk the wrath of you, terror?”

“Atefeh’s pregnant, mama.”

Well, that was not news she’d expected. Marcelina sipped her coffee as Herbert’s chewing filled the silence in the room. The boy chewed loudly.

“Should I not say congratulations, terror?” Marcelina wondered if they had used the same father. A man she knew nothing about and despite her curiosity had never tried to find. Mostly because Jory stopped her anytime she tried. She suspected he knew. Telepaths. Ha!

“Mama, I- No, I’m happy. Atefeh has wanted to carry a child since we had Herbert. I’m happy she will get to. I just- Two kids? Mama, I can barely keep up with Herbert.” Dosia pushed her coffee toward the middle of the table.

“Oh, terror,” Marcelina said as she stood. She embraced her daughter and when it did not seem enough she spread her wings and wrapped them around her as well. Dosia trembled and Marcelina struggled to find something helpful to say. “Do you want me to call your tata?”


That surprised her.

“How did you do it, mama?”

Well, that was an easy answer. “I had your tata. I couldn’t have raised you without him. Dosia, terror, you have Atefeh. And the two of you are fierce and strong and great mamas. You can handle two children.” Marcelina squeezed her daughter’s shoulder and kissed the top of her head. “And this time you will not be the one with swollen ankles, yes?”

Dosia laughed and they stayed as they were until they heard Herbert say, “Uh oh.”

Then they cleaned up his mess together.

Jory came in as Dosia forced Herbert into his coat.


Herbert pulled away from Dosia to launch himself at his grandfather. Jory caught him up despite a stumble backwards on his prosthetics. Marcelina bit back a sharp scolding. Although Jory still looked over their grandson’s head to grin at her.

Idiot, she thought.

Jory laughed and set Herbert down to finish getting his coat on. Dosia visited for another minute, but then left to hurry home. She promised to come to dinner with Atefeh later in the week.

“Did you go too high?” Jory asked as he tugged her into an embrace.

“No. But I dove down.”

Jory laughed before he kissed her. His hands slid lower and she wound up nestled against him with the counter at her back. There were a lot of windows in the kitchen, but she didn’t much care. Mindful of his position he stopped before too many windows became an issue.

“We have news.”

Ah, that would be why. News could only mean from their old home. Marcelina still believed nothing the news said, but Jory she trusted. As governor he’d have access to other sources of information. Spies. She’d offered to be a spy and he’d very kindly said never in a million years. He’d softened the words over an entire weekend. She’d not minded, of course, but they both knew she’d forgive him anything.


“More riots. Another coup. The unrest doesn’t seem to be settling down.”

“Hardly news.”

“I know.” Jory took her hands in his. Now she worried. “The riots turned deadly. There were a dozen deaths as gangs ran the streets looking for anyone associated with the old regime.”

“Siemowit.” She knew. Jory was the telepath, but she didn’t need to read his mind to know he would say her brother was dead.

“I’m sorry, Marcelina.”

“It’s ok. I mean…we weren’t close.”

“I know, but he was your brother.”

She didn’t ask how. She knew how riots and mobs operated. There was no reason to ask for details.

“It’s ok, Jory. Thank you for telling me.”

“There is some good news.”

“Oh?” she asked, instantly on guard because of his grin.

“Yes. With Siemowit dead, Charlotte’s available again.”

Marcelina replied by chasing him from the kitchen and into his office. There were no windows in there. Charlotte's name did not come up again.




31 Days - Day 31


“Mama, why do I have to wear a dress?”

“Because it is an important event.”

“And you have to.”

“Yes. But mostly, it is an important night for your tata and we should want to look nice.”

“I can look nice in pants.”

Marcelina sighed and stepped away from the mirror. “Dosia? Will you please go put on your dress and get ready to go?” The strain in her voice must have penetrated the teenage brain her daughter possessed.

“Fine, mama.” Dosia darted from the room, but popped her head back in. “And you look beautiful, mama.”

Sometimes, Marcelina thought, their daughter was too much like her father. She stepped in front of the mirror again and stared at herself. The one thing she’d never gotten used to was the difficulty in clothing options when one had wings. Not only style, but color. Marcelina sighed and gave up. She was either going to look good at the inaugural party or she wouldn’t.

“You look beautiful.”

“Did Dosia warn you to say that?”

Jory grinned. It made her want to take off her dress, but only because it also made her want to remove his suit. Not that he didn’t look good in it, but she was always happier when he wasn’t in a suit. Or much of anything.

“Yes. Our daughter came down and said her mama looked terrible, but I should lie.”

“Shut up, stupid.”

“Who’s being stupid?”

“You are.”



“Stop it, mama! Stop it, tata. We’re going to be late!”

“I thought you didn’t want to go?” Jory asked with his arms still around Marcelina.

“I don’t, but if we’re going I want to be there on time.”

Marcelina laughed. Dosia had certainly gotten her need to be punctual from her father. And all the other good things.

“Wrong,” Jory said as Dosia hurried out to the porch.

“Where is she-” Her question was cut off by Jory’s kiss. Marcelina did not complain.

“Our daughter got plenty of her good trains from her mama.”

Marcelina pulled away, without leaving the circle of his arms, to ask, “How?”

“I know I should have told you. Dosia figured it out a few years ago and I thought surely she would give it away.”

“Give what away?”

Jory sighed and released her. He sat on the couch and rubbed his thigh. A car pulled up outside, but he didn’t move.

“Jory? What’s wrong?”

“You weren’t the only one the missile changed, Marcelina. I was just too afraid to say anything to anyone at first. And then, well, I guess the longer I went the harder it was to speak up.”

“Jory, what do you mean?”

“I can…hear people thinking.”

Liar, she thought.

“Never to you.”

“Well, other than keeping this from me. It’s a pretty big secret, Jory. Is it…on all the time?” Did he know everything she’d thought? Ever?

“Not all the time. I have to concentrate. And I swear, Marcelina, I do not go diving into your head. Not unless I’m really worried about you.”

“So, all the time?” The joke was a little flat, but she was glad she’d tried.

“I don’t worry about you. Well, I do, but not the sort of go into your crazy head kind.”


Jory grinned and she couldn’t help smiling back.

“You’re an idiot,” she told him.

“And you’re stupid,” he replied.

“Mama! Tata! The car is here!”

“Are we…ok?” Jory asked as he stood and reached for his cane.

Were they? Marcelina thought about it, but she didn’t have to think long. She walked over to her husband and took his arm.

“Of course we are. The Claw expects nothing less than duplicitous behavior from Ranger One.”

“I love you, Marcelina Couch.”

“Yea,” she replied as they went out to the waiting car. “But I loved you first.”




31 Days - Day 30


“Why you?”

“Don’t you think I’m qualified?”

“Of course! You can do anything!”

“I just- I don’t know. It’ll be a big change.”

“Well, it’s not for certain.”

Marcelina sat on the ground and plucked a handful of clover from the grass. It was hard to believe. Jory sat down as well, easing into it and stretching his leg out to rub his thigh.

“Is it bothering you again?”

“We walked pretty far today. I’m fine, Marcelina.”

They always walked too far. Or climbed too high. Jory refused to let his missing leg stop him. Even though Marcelina watched him climb mountains with her heart in her throat. He said it was payback for all the years he’d worried about her flying either by herself or with Dosia. She watched as he removed his prosthetic foot.

“You don’t have to prove anything,” she reminded him. Her hands dropped the clover and she reached for his leg to pull his ankle into her lap and rub it.

Jory grinned as he reached into the pack she’d carried. Flying was one thing, and she was happy to do so, but after one disastrous attempt to join him climbing she’d sworn it off. So, she carried up their lunch and worried incessantly until he reached the peak.

“If you don’t want me to, Marcelina, I won’t.”

He wouldn’t. He was wonderful. And she was selfish. She didn’t want him to do it.

“No, I won’t stop you. I think you would be a good governor. I just- I don’t want people to not vote for you because of me.”

Jory grabbed her hands and tugged her down atop him as he settled in the clover.

“Don’t be silly, Marcelina.”

“Don’t be stupid, Jory.”

He rolled her onto her back and pinned her to the ground. “Are you calling your future governor stupid, Mrs. Couch?”

“Yes,” she said with a smirk that couldn’t hide the way her pulse kicked up when he was atop her. “Stupid. Mr. Couch.”

“You’ll pay for that.”

And she did, but no more than she was willing to give.
